Coronavirus and Parish Council Meetings
In light of the increasing severity of the Coronavirus outbreak, an extraordinary meeting of Mary Tavy Parish Council was held on Monday 23rd March 2020. The main purpose of the meeting was to vote to allow the council to conduct its business by email and telephone rather than by face to face meetings. Under current laws, we were legally required to hold a physical meeting to vote on, and agree to, the changes in operation. The meeting agenda and the minutes can be found in the “Agendas and Minutes” section on the home page of our website.
In accordance with government advice at the time of the meeting, we chose to minimise the number of councillors who attended (4 of the 9 councillors on the council) while ensuring that we had a quorum. Rather than meet inside the Reading Rooms as usual, the meeting was held in the grounds of the Rooms with each councillor keeping a safe distance from the others. No members of the press or public were in attendance.
By holding this meeting, the Parish Council is now legally empowered to conduct its business by email and telephone, including voting on agenda items, paying bills, etc. We aim to carry on business as efficiently as possible until we are able to re-establish the normal routine of monthly council meetings at the Reading Rooms. Please also note that the Annual Parish Meeting scheduled for April 2020 has been postponed until we are advised that it is safe to organise public meetings.
If you need to contact the council during these difficult times please, in the first instance, contact the clerk through the Contact page on the website or by email or telephone (these details are on the website). In addition, the email addresses and telephone numbers of all the councillors can be found on the website.
Please try to keep safe, keep well and follow the latest government advice throughout the virus outbreak.
Mary Tavy Parish Council
25th March 2020