Covid-19 Roadmap Out Of Lockdown For England

On the 22nd February 2021, the UK Government published a roadmap for exiting the current Covid-19 lockdown in England. A summary of the 4 steps to exit lockdown can be found by clicking here and a full version of the roadmap here. Different rules will apply for Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

In short summary form, the English roadmap is:

  • Step 1 (part one) – March 8

– All schools and colleges will reopen, as well as after school clubs

– One plus one recreation will be allowed; for example, people will be permitted to meet one other person from outside their household to socialise

– Care home residents will be allowed one named visitor to attend regularly

– Stay at home order will remain

  • Step 1 (part two) – March 27, at the earliest

– Rule of six to return for outdoor meetings, including private gardens, as will two household rule.

– Outdoor sports facilities to reopen

– Stay at home order to end

  • Step 2 – No earlier than April 12

– Non-essential retail and personal care such as hairdressers to reopen

– Public buildings such as museums and libraries will return

– Indoor leisure facilities such as gyms will reopen

– Outdoor hospitality will reopen but customers must be seated

– No requirement for a substantial meal to purchase alcohol and no curfews on opening times

– Self-contained holidays within the UK to be allowed

– Funerals allowed up to 30 guests, while wakes, weddings and receptions will be allowed 15

– Outdoor attractions such as zoos, theme parks and drive in cinemas will reopen

  • Step 3 – May 17 at the earliest

– Most restrictions on outdoor socialising to be removed; no more rule of six

– Gatherings of more than 30 will still be illegal

– Indoor mixing to be allowed with rule of six or two households

– Indoor hospitality can reopen with same restrictions

– Weddings will be allowed with up to 30 people

– Large events can resume with spectators, though there will be restrictions; indoor events will be allowed up to 1,000 spectators or 50% of capacity, whichever is lowest while outdoor events will be allowed up to 4,000 or 50% of capacity, whichever is lowest. Outdoor seated events, such as football matches, will be allowed with 10,000 fans or 25% of capacity, whichever is lowest

  • Step 4 – No sooner than June 21

– All limits on social contact, such as the rule of six, to be removed for both indoor and outdoor settings

– Rest of society to reopen, such as nightclubs and other businesses which did not reopen following first lockdown

– Social distancing will remain in place until Step 4, with a review taking place ahead of that date looking at how the advice can be removed