Drop-In Meeting

Is there a local issue on your mind that you’d like to chat about with the Parish Council? All members of the public can come to our monthly council meetings but we know that’s not always possible for some people and, anyway, you may prefer to discuss things in a more relaxed setting.

Why not come along for a chat at our drop-in session on Saturday 14th – any time between 10am and 1pm – and find out what the parish council is up to? We’ve several active projects including the investigation of land for a new cemetery and the push for faster and more stable broadband. We also do a lot of work with Highways on road safety and the state of the roads….we’ll be happy to tell you about the commitment all councillors have to improving road safety and give an honest report of progress to date and the challenges ahead.

The Parish Council is also consulted on planning applications.

If you have issues you’d like to raise, we’ll be happy to listen and help where we can. Even if you can only spend a few minutes, we’d welcome your input….if people don’t tell us what’s on their mind, we can’t properly represent the parish.

There will be free coffee, tea, biscuits available and, while stocks last, homemade cake.
