Vacancies for Parish Councillors x2

Following the recent uncontested election, there are still two seats available on the parish council. The next set of parish councillors that will take office in early May are therefore permitted to co-opt two new councillors to join them.

If you’d like a seat on the parish council please contact the parish clerk for further information and an application form.

Closing date for applications: Tuesday 9th May 2023

Notice of Uncontested Election for Mary Tavy Parish Council

Seven nominations were received for the post of councillor on Mary Tavy Parish Council.

Since the council has nine seats, all seven have been duly elected uncontested.

Details of the elected councillors are found in the attachment below

Notice of Parish Council Election

The nomination period starts today (Thursday 23rd March) and will last until 4pm on Tuesday 4th April.

For further information, please see the attached Notice

Notice of Borough Council Election

The nomination period starts today (Thursday 23rd March) and will last until 4pm on Tuesday 4th April.

For further information, please see attached Notice

WDBC Waste Collection Calendar April 2023 To March 2024

West Devon Borough Council is no longer including a hard copy of their waste collection calendar with the council tax bills recently sent out by mail.

You can request a hard copy here

Alternatively, download the attachment below

Mary Tavy Annual Parish Meeting 2023

The 2023 Annual Parish Meeting of Mary Tavy Parish Council will be held on Thursday 16th March 2023 at the Coronation Hall. The meeting will begin at 7.00pm.


  • Introduction of Parish Councillors
  • Approval of Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 2022
  • The Chairman’s Report
  • The Financial Report
  • An informal session to meet Councillors and representatives of local organisations, to ask questions and raise any relevant matters.
  • Parish Council Elections 2023 – an opportunity to discuss and find out more about being a Parish Councillor.



Parish Council Elections

Have you ever thought about being a parish councillor? Elections take place in May this year to elect councillors for the next 4 years.

There are 9 councillors on Mary Tavy Parish Council and it would be great if we had more than 9 people wanting to stand. That way we can have a proper election. If there are 9 or fewer “volunteers” all will be elected unopposed rather than letting the voting public decide who they want on the council.

You might be wondering what skills and qualifications are needed to become a parish councillor and what a parish councillor does. I must confess, I couldn’t have told you until I thought about standing 4 years ago.

In simple terms, the most important thing is that you have an interest in making life better for residents of the parish. You don’t have to give speeches, you don’t need to be a lawyer or a computer wizard…just someone who cares and wants to get things done as part of a team. Should you become a councillor, you’ll have the support of the Parish Clerk and other councillors as well as the opportunity to do a few short training courses that will help you become more effective.

If you’re interested, why not come along to our public meeting at the Mary Tavy Coronation Hall, starting at 7pm on Thursday 2nd February? You’ll be able to hear about some of the things the current council has been up to and you can have an informal chat to one or more of the councillors over a cup of coffee to find out more about being a councillor. We’re a decent bunch…we don’t bite and we like to think we’re approachable, normal people.

If you can’t make the public meeting, why not contact a councillor or the Clerk for a chat? Councillor contact details are on our website at You can get in touch with our Clerk at

Here are a few key dates:

  • You will need to complete a simple nomination paper that must be handed in in person at the WDBC offices at Kilworthy Park in Tavistock between 23rd March and 4th April. Don’t sign and date the nomination paper before the 5th March or it won’t be valid.
  • On the 5th April the names of all nominees will be published and we will know if there will be an election or not. If there are 9 or fewer nominees for councillors every candidate will become a councillor.
  • If there are more than 9 nominees there will be an election. This will be held on Thursday 4th

Nomination forms and more information can be obtained from our Parish Clerk. If you want to be a nominee but are unable to hand in the forms in person, our Clerk will be able to present them on your behalf. Nomination forms cannot be mailed in but must be delivered by hand.

Paul Reid

Chair, Mary Tavy Parish Council




Mary Tavy Parish Council Public Meeting

The Parish Council will be holding a public meeting starting at 7pm on Thursday 2nd February. This will take place at the Coronation Hall in Mary Tavy.

We will use the meeting to discuss 2 main topics:

  • Highways, roads and traffic issues. In particular we will be looking at the successes and challenges we have had working with DCC Highways Dept. over the last few years. This is also an opportunity to discuss and identify future Highways-related needs in the parish.
  • The future of the Parish Cemetery. Space in the current cemetery is running out and we need to decide whether we continue the search for land for a new cemetery or whether we stop interments in the parish once the current cemetery is full.

The meeting will also provide the opportunity for people to chat with councillors over a cup or tea or coffee and to raise any issues they may have.

Elections for a new Parish Council will take place in May this year. If you have ever thought about becoming a councillor, the meeting will be an excellent opportunity for you to find out more about the role of a parish councillor.

Wreaths at the Cemetery

Would anyone who wishes to keep a Christmas wreath they have placed away from the headstone in the Mary Tavy Parish Cemetery please remove it by the end of January. This will allow our contractor to cut the grass in February without having to move, and possibly damage, any wreath that is in the way.

Let’s Talk Pre-Teens: January Programme

The South Devon and Dartmoor Community Safety Partnership have been working with a wide range of partners to produce a toolkit to support parents of pre-teens (9-12 year olds).  This has been developed as a result of the resounding success of the Let’s Talk Teenagers programme that has seen 2497 engagements with parents and carers so far.  FREE online sessions through the Let’s Talk programme for parents and carers of pre-teens are available this month.

The Let’s Talk program is designed to increase parent and carers knowledge around the key risks whilst giving simple tools and techniques to help them support their child.  As a partnership we acknowledge that parenting can be really difficult, especially in such challenging times.  We want to get these resources to as many parents as possible and we need your help!  We would be really grateful if you could share the information included in this email with all your contacts and communities so we can reach as many parents and carers as possible.  From the 2nd of January we will be running a social media campaign through Devon County Council so if you have social media please share the posts.

Tickets are free and available at this link: Let’s Talk Pre-Teens.

The topics covered will be as follows:

Tuesday 17th January 2023

  • Biology
  • Difficult emotions
  • Substance misuse

Tuesday 24th January 2023

  • Relationships
  • Exploitation
  • Pornography
  • Societal Stereotypes

Tuesday 31st January 2023

  • Physical risks
  • Safety planning
  • Mental health
  • Self-care