Parish Councillor Vacancies
There are currently 2 vacancies for councillors on Mary Tavy Parish Council, following recent resignations (both councillors are moving out of the area). If you are interested in joining the council, please read the information in the attachment below to confirm that you are eligible and then contact Amy Christie, our Parish Clerk, for further information (email or use the Contact Form on this website).
If you’d like to know more about being a councillor before contacting the Clerk, feel free to talk to any of our parish councillors. A list of current councillors can be found in the Parish Councillors section of the Parish Council dropdown menu on this website.
You don’t need any special qualifications to be a parish councillor, just an interest in working to improve the quality of life in the Parish. You don’t need to give speeches or be a computer expert. You may well have a paid job and/or outside interests that council duties need to fit around but that’s fine as long as you can give a few hours a month to council business.
If you care about the parish and how life in it might be improved then please consider putting yourself forward. If elected you will be working with other councillors to introduce some positive changes in our community.
The closing date for applications is Monday 1st July 2024.