Mending Potholes On Roads In Mary Tavy Parish
Mary Tavy Parish Council has joined Devon Highways’ Road Warden Scheme. 2 councillors have been trained (at Highways’ expense) as Road Wardens by completing the Chapter 8 (Signing, Lighting and Guarding) course.
You can see a description of the Road Warden Scheme and the activities Wardens can undertake here:
One of the tasks Road Wardens can perform in the parish is to fill small potholes that are not big enough to meet Highways’ intervention criteria. Highways personnel will only fill potholes that are larger than 300mm in length/width, are more than 40mm deep and have a vertical edge. More details of “Highways-actionable” potholes can be found on their website at:
This website should also be used to report potholes that you believe meet Highways’ intervention criteria.
In order for the Road Wardens to deal with minor potholes, Mary Tavy Parish Council has acquired a quantity of cold fill tarmac that is recommended to give a lasting repair. This material has been obtained free of charge by means of a grant from Devon Highways.
In the coming weeks the Road Wardens will make a start on repairing potholes that, in their judgement, will not be fixed by Highways but can be improved using cold fill tarmac. The first defects to be treated will be a series of potholes in Chapel Lane, Mary Tavy.
The Road Wardens have 2 requests:
- If people would like to volunteer to help with the work, please contact one of the Wardens using the details below. Highways allow a maximum of 2 volunteers to work alongside each Road Warden. High visibility jackets and work gloves can be supplied as required. No experience is necessary.
- We would like to compile a list of potholes in Mary Tavy Parish that may fall within the scope of the Road Warden activities. While there is no guarantee that the Wardens will get to every pothole reported to them, they will at least be aware of the defects, can inspect them and prioritise those holes that need filling.
The Road Wardens:
Paul Reid
Martyn Griffiths